Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Creating life Style Copyright © Mike Smith

What We Eat Affects Our Vision

Most of us may not have even considered that what we eat affects your vision, but it does. Foods that are rich in certain nutrients and vitamins help to improve our eyesight, while those that are high in fats or are processed can damage it. Given that simply adding or omitting certain foods can help you to avoid a number of eye conditions without using chemicals or surgery to repair your vision, it's worth changing your diet to improve your vision.

The Foods that Help Our Vision. There are a number of foods which can positively affect your vision. Here is a brief list of the foods that are essential for eye health.

• Salmon contains high levels of vitamins A and D, as well as Omega-3 fatty acids. Not only can these elements help to boost your eye health, but they can also improve brain function.

• Dark chocolate, due to its antioxidants and flavanoids, which protect blood vessels found within the eye, aid in overall eye health. Make sure to eat chocolate bars that contain at least 60% cocoa, however, as you will gain the most benefit from these.

• Leafy green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, aid in eye health with antioxidants that they contain. As steaming them will allow for them to lose vital vitamins and nutrients, make certain to eat them fresh whenever possible.

• Carrots contain beta-carotene, which has been shown to increase the health of your eye, and help to alleviate certain eye conditions. Sweet potatoes and pumpkin also boast beta-carotene power, so you can eat those instead if you carrots aren't to your liking.

• Eggs contain protein, Vitamin B, and zinc, which ensure improved vision. You can eat them fried, scrambled, or boiled to get the benefit from them, but be sure to eat the yoke as well.

• Garlic, surprisingly, is another great eye health booster. Sulfur is found within it, which aids in the strength of the lenses of your eyes. Eating garlic fresh is best, so that you receive all the benefits it has to offer.

The Foods that Hinder Our Vision. Recent studies have shown that foods that are high in sugars, such as certain candies or various other sweets, can hinder your vision and increase the risk of being diagnosed with several eye ailments, such as macular degenaration. Also, foods that are highly processed or contain preservatives can cause inflammation and deplete the vitamins you have already stored. In addition, caffeine can negatively affect your vision as well, due to the fact that it has the ability to undo all of the good work you've done for your eyes, by ridding the body of the crucial nutrients and minerals that your otherwise healthy diet had gathered.

Maintaining and balanced and nutritious diet is key to keeping your eyes healthy and staving off eye conditions and ailments. By eating right, you can improve your vision naturally, as well as keep your body in tip-top shape.
Check out my web site for further information at

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